10 Best Methods to Boost Your Social Media Engagement

Grow Your Followers

Social media engagement is a numbers game—the more followers you have, the more interaction you’ll see with your social media posts, which means one of your goals should be to get more followers.

Be Authentic

90% of customers say that authenticity plays a role in deciding which companies they like and support, so one of the best ways to boost social media engagement is to be more authentic.

Respond To Followers

A conversation requires input from both sides, and social media interactions are no different! By replying to incoming mentions, comments, and direct messages, you can show your followers that your brand cares about them.

Share Engaging Content

Not only is creating unique, relevant social media content a great strategy for attracting new followers, but it also keeps existing followers engaged.

Craft Effective Posts

Knowing the anatomy of a social media post is helpful when sharing social media content. No matter how unique your content is, nobody will read it if your headlines aren’t engaging.

Use Hashtags Strategically

Hashtags make it easier for your target audience to find your social media channels and content. Some platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram allow users to follow hashtags, which means you can join ongoing conversations and become more visible to users

Incorporate Visual Assets

When your audience is scrolling through social media, you only have about three seconds to grab their attention before they move along to the next post in their feed.

Follow A Post Schedule

When and how often you post on social media has an impact on the engagement levels you see. Your posting schedule should change depending on when your audience is most active online, as well as which platform they’re using.

Cross-Promote Content

If you’re struggling to get engagement with your current social media audience, one way you can expand your reach is to team up with another content creator.

Run Social Media Contests

Hosting a social media contest or giveaway will get people talking and interacting! Giveaways are short-term promotions that can create buzz, increase social media reach, generate new leads, and boost business sales

At digiPanda, we regularly post tips and strategies on how to build a strong presence on social media and establish your unique brand image.  Find posts like this and more on our website, and start increasing your social media engagement     Today!