Theta Gainers

Beyond Buy and Hold

The Story of Theta Gainers
33% increase in Ad Revenue in 4 months
3.8 Crores+ Organic Impressions in 4 months
1.3 Crores+ Organic Views/Reach in 4 months

Hello, Theta!

In the ever-evolving world of options trading, Theta Gainers cuts through the noise with a clear, strategic approach. Led by the visionary Reyansh Upadhyay and his team, they're making waves by empowering traders to unlock hidden opportunities. Theta’s YouTube channel guides audiences/viewers in understanding the market, creates strategies, and teaches them how to be better traders. They offer courses for trading too. As their former social media growth and content creation partner at digiPanda, we witnessed firsthand the impact of a data-driven approach to navigating the options market. This case study delves into the strategies we employed to amplify Theta Gainers' voice and propel them towards success.

Hello, Theta!

Get. Set. Go with the logo! Our design for Theta Gainers embodies the essence of precision and ​growth in options trading. The color scheme symbolizes:
Black & White: Sharp Focus, clarity, and sophistication, reflecting the calculated decisions made in ​financial markets.
Teal: Calming the Market, Igniting Your Profits, trust and reliability.
Charging Bull: Dominate with Options, strength & Target Consistent Growth.

This logo encapsulates our dedication to providing robust solutions and navigating the complexities ​of the stock market with confidence and success.

We Hit The Bullseye
with Solutions

Stuck relying solely on word-of-mouth, Theta Gainers ​found themselves facing a familiar foe – the content ​creation black hole of YouTube and Instagram. Enter ​digiPanda, the marketing mavericks with a knack for ​turning whispers into roars. With a strategic rebrand, a ​captivating landing page, and a content creation blitz ​that included eye-catching YouTube thumbnails, SEO ​magic, and engaging video descriptions, digiPanda ​was ready to take Theta Gainers from hidden gem to ​market leader.

Content Strategy & Creation

A content strategy centered around goals that ​provides value and captivates the audience, ​encouraging repeated viewership.

Instagram Growth

A short content based strategy that worked ​wonders for Theta Gainers.

Youtube Growth

Using YouTube’s best practices and ​tracking audience sentiment to ​generate as much views as possible.


Content Shoot

Prepared a content scheduled with ​precision and execute video shoots to ​generate a bank of high quality content.

Brand Re-Branding

For a professional approach to be ​successful, a thorough brand ​rebranding is imperative.

From full-length educational videos to funny reels, we did it all!
And guess what? The results were AMAZINGGGGG!

Some of the YouTube videos that we created for Theta Gainers

311k+ Views

273k+ Views

238k+ Views

132k+ Views

536k+ Views

12K TO 35K Instagram ​Followers in 4 months!

180K TO 300K Youtube ​subscribers in 4 months!

Increase in

Our strategies and content helped ​Theta increase their Instagram ​followers by 191% and YouTube ​Followers by 66% in just 4 Months.



Our Instagram-specific content strategy facilitated ​the generation of over 2.3 million impressions on ​an account with fewer than 15,000 followers. ​Furthermore, within a span of merely four months, ​we successfully elevated the Instagram follower ​count to 35,000.

Audience Engagement

More than 35 million impressions ​were generated and CTR was ​increased by 200%

Increase in revenue

Our efforts resulted in an increase ​in ad sense revenue by 33%.



Our YouTube strategy focused on two key components: Click-​Through Rate (CTR) and Average Engagement Time. After four ​months, Theta Gainers successfully achieved over 80,000 views ​on each video weekly.

Sneak Peek

Client Reactions 😍

We live for this