Give India

Empowering Impact

Give India's Memetic Triumph in Combating ​Sex Trafficking
₹2 lakh+ worth donations in 48hrs
28 Lakhs+ Organic Reach in 24hrs
2 Lakhs+ Organic Likes in 24hrs

Give India (Give Foundation), an esteemed NGO focused on poverty alleviation ​and social initiatives in India, sought the expertise of digiPanda Consulting to ​enhance reach, awareness, and engagement for their campaign against the sex trafficking of minor girls. While Give India initially considered ‘influencer ​marketing’, digiPanda Consulting proposed a revolutionary approach: Meme ​Marketing, hence the team of came into action.

"This was a unique campaign since we had to use memes which are typically funny in nature to capture attention for a sympathetic cause."

Marmik, Meme Lord (


Give India faced challenges in reaching its target audience, generating awareness, and avoiding ​potential risks associated with influencer marketing, such as backfiring and trolling.


digiPanda Consulting recommended leveraging Meme Marketing as a more effective and engaging ​alternative for this sensitive campaign. We crafted a comprehensive strategy that incorporated ​carousel posts, featuring a static image of Manju, a resilient worker from “The Gudiya Foundation” ​who had rescued over 5000 girls from brothels.

Meet Manju

The carousel posts consisted of static photos, videos, and memes, with a static image as 1st slide ​and then a video, and meme in this way we hooked our audience successfully.

One of the examples of our strategy is including a popular dialogue adapted from the Bollywood ​movie "3 Idiots" to create resonance with the audience.


Campaign Results

Implementing the Meme Marketing ​strategy led to exceptional success ​for GiveIndia's campaign against sex ​trafficking.

Major Milestones

Organic Reach

Within just two days of the first post, it ​reached an astonishing 28 lakh ​accounts and received over 2 lakh likes.


The engagement and response were ​overwhelmingly positive with an ​engagement rate of around 10%.


Furthermore, ​strategically selected the most ​appropriate meme pages on ​platforms like Instagram, and Facebook ​including the well-analyzed and ​engaging page called 'Ghantaa.'


By placing the fundraising link in the ​meme page's bio, the campaign ​generated rapid donations, with more ​than 25 individuals contributing ​around 5k each on the first day alone.

The collaboration between GiveIndia and digiPanda Consulting showcased the ​power of innovative marketing strategies, as Meme Marketing proved highly ​effective in raising awareness, engaging the audience, and driving significant ​contributions to the noble cause of rescuing minor girls from sex trafficking.

Through their successful partnership, GiveIndia demonstrated a remarkable ​commitment to leveraging digital platforms to create a real impact and advancing ​their mission of a poverty-free India.