Dance of Content Amplification

The Story of Dance India Dance
5 lakh+ followers
27 million+ Total Reach

Project Overview

The makers of the Indian reality TV show were looking to establish a strong viewership base for four of their newly-introduced zones[d1] . They were also seeking to build them into individual brand names under the TV show’s guardianship. The makers’ objective for creating these four handles was to convert all viewers into participants through a series of User-Generated Content (UGC) campaigns. It was seen as a project that was supposed to set a benchmark for future marketing operations of D.I.D

For achieving these objectives, Zee TV wished to partner with an agency that could enhance the outreach of these region-specific handles by generating and marketing content in the digital space.

The Challenges

Zee TV invited proposals from agencies with the specific brief that whatever strategies they propose ​have to fit within their already-existing workflow[d1] . They were not looking for marketing campaigns ​that involved increasing their workload, they would rather partner with a marketing agency that can ​achieve the objective of widening D.I.D’s outreach with the existing content that is usually generated ​through shoots but doesn’t end up getting aired.

Furthermore, the makers of D.I.D were looking for a one-stop agency which would not only strategize ​within the specified parameters but would also be proactive enough to create campaigns and ​market them independently.

The real challenge for Team digiPanda was to find the right content out of the terabytes of footage ​made available by the D.I.D producers – content that had the X factor necessary for going viral; ​content that would ignite the interest and imagination of the masses. Moreover, the precise ​packaging of the content was vital too.

digiPanda Consulting suggested a strategy that involved high-quality, targeted content to be shared organically through D.I.D’s social media accounts – particularly on Facebook and Instagram.

This content was to be generated as snippets from the shows that had a zing to them. For creating ​such niche snippets, an extensive exercise of going through and using behind-the-scenes and ​audition footage followed – it was all about managing the extent of the Computer Vision Syndrome, ​and of course staying alert for zeroing down on something interesting.

As it turned out, the proposed approach was exactly what the client had in mind, though executing ​the campaign at such a grand scale was way beyond the expertise they possessed in-house.

The campaign strategists at digiPanda were quick to assess that since D.I.D only had an hour of air-​time on TV – that too only twice a week – there was always going to be a lot of video content ​generated that would never get telecasted. This was the niche that was going to impart exclusivity to ​the content reserved and adapted for social media. Along with digitally-rummaging through the ​existing footage, Team digiPanda also had to come up with original campaign ideas that would ​create engagement and buzz – this was exactly what the agency took pride in accomplishing. With ​the strategy bit sorted now, the action was to move to the ideation board and those frequent runs to ​the coffee maker.

Campaign Highlights

Along with footages that were never seen before on TV, video editors at digiPanda were also creating ​snippets and reels of the most captivating moments aired on D.I.D. This enabled the launch of social ​media campaigns like ‘Snippets from Episodes’ involving live audience, judges and contestants; ‘Full ​Performances’ that netizens liked and shared extensively, and ‘Dance Tutorial Videos’ for enriching a ​viewer’s experience.

Campaigns like ‘Ask the Janta’ were able to generate heavy traffic on D.I.D’s Facebook page with the ​show’s viewers participating in quizzes and engaging with posts on the contestants. It had the kind of ​ripple-effect that eventually went on to establish the show into the consciousness of the masses. ​Similar amount of purely-organic traction was generated with ‘Behind the Scenes’ and ‘Audition ​Videos’.

For engaging the regional audience, campaigns such as ‘Rajni Fever Challenge’ were launched to ​give an opportunity to the fans of Rajnikant – especially from the South – for becoming a part of the ​show. Fans were making and uploading videos of them in classic Rajni look and performing the ​superstar’s trademark moves.

There was a lot of content that was generated apart from the campaigns. A few notable ones were:

  • Festival celebrations
  • Birthdays’ celebrations
  • Post performance bytes of coaches and contestants
  • Coaches bonding with the contestants
  • Contestants bonding with contestants
  • Moment Marketing campaign – #bottlecapchallenge
  • Snippets from the episodes – Best moments from all episodes aired
  • Mansi’s master class – tutorial videos by Mansi
  • Sunday Funday – Fun videos compiled for west zone

Within a span of four months, Team digiPanda’s strategy of curating subtle advertainment, yielded ​the kind of results that made the season of D.I.D a massive hit, online and offline alike.

The numbers speak for themselves.