16 Feb 2018by panda
Facebook’s cool new feature – Make a public To-do list

People post anything and everything on Facebook, from their dog’s gifs and cute videos to wedding pictures and family albums. Most of the millennials consider Facebook their second home (Read first home) and advertisers have realized the power of Facebook advertising. Guess what Facebook has just added to its post section – a TO-DO List. Yes, gone are the days when you uploaded pictures of the day before and posted about the stuff you were doing in the now. The to-do feature allows you to tell the world about your plans and aspirations for the rest of your life.
Facebook is not leaving any stone unturned and that makes it the most revenue generating social media platform.
The list feature (in beta phase right now) will have the same colorful and fancy gradient background like the status posts. The feature is likely to slowly roll out this week in few parts of the world.
Facebook is surely keeping up to its statement of making the Facebook experience very personal. The list feature (as heard via a Chinese whisper) can be shared with friends; people can now find like-minded friends with similar interests on Facebook.
If you are confused what to share in your list, below are some fun things to add:
- Where to travel
- Your dinner plans
- Grocery list to show the world that you eat like a king
- What you would do with the money you will save after breaking up with your Girlfriend.
- Best Digital Marketing agencies (Blog won’t approve without a backlink 😉 )
- The productive stuff you miss out on doing because of social media
Categories: Digital Marketing / Social Media